Men’s Shed for Writer’s Presentation

During the week I had an unusual (for me) experience, presenting my book ‘The Green Velvet Dress,’ and my personal story to a group of men who get together each week in their Men’s Shed. I imagine lots of tools, noise, dust, a bit of swearing and plenty of talk about football or other sports; maybe the grandkids,  state politics, especially our recent election, but probably not books they’ve read.

I must be telling them about the nerdy teenager that I was.

So, I happily went along to the Mundaring Speaker’s Circle on Thursday, presuming that I’d have a few men and more of their wives, as my audience. One lady arrived, followed by another one I know from  my own social groups. All the rest were men. I’m used to public speaking so that wasn’t a problem, but a bunch of guys who get together to fix and make things? Too late to adjust my talk, I leapt in, hoping to at least keep them awake. One chap gave a mighty yawn and another seemed to be nodding off, but when I got to the part about me being a nerdy teenager they all laughed and I could relax a bit.

My son is a comedian. He had warned me about adapting to the audience. I skipped a few paragraphs and elaborated on the more entertaining sections of my development as a writer. Once I got to the part where I read out sections of the novel, I could lay it on, (I’m a frustrated actress as well as a writer) and we all enjoyed ourselves.

Now I feel ready to entertain any group – old or young, male or female. They get free entertainment, I sell a few books and we share afternoon tea. Any suggestions for groups near Perth in WA wanting a speaker, I’m available. Please just tell them about me and/or ask me.


Lesmurdie Library Reviews

AudienceOn Tuesday evening, the 24th November, my author presentation went very well at the Lesmurdie Library. I am now relaxed about doing these presentations and everyone enjoyed the evening. Most members of the audience bought at least one book and several bought three.

Victoria Mizen (446x640)The library put on drinks and tasty nibbles before the talk, giving me the opportunity for a quick word with my audience. Review sheets were placed on each chair and I am delighted to report that everyone rated the evening as excellent or very good. Here are a few comments:

‘Most interesting talk and Victoria covered many aspects of writing.’

‘Well spoken presentation. Lots of info. on the book.’

‘Great to hear a local author speak, especially about life in WA.’

Each audience is different, but all the libraries I have attended have been most helpful and welcoming. I am keen to speak at other libraries and to expand my audience to any groups interested in books and writing. If you know of any, please let me know.



Lesmurdie Library

I think this will be my last presentation for 2015, so please join me if you can. image001

Dunsborough Library and South West Retailers

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At Dunsborough Library

I recently spent a few days in and around Dunsborough, presenting ‘The Green Velvet Dress’ in the library, where I enjoyed the scones and coffee and sold copies to all who attended.

I then took my novel to book shops and interesting galleries between Dunsborough and Boranup. I now have four new outlets (see on my list under ‘Buy the Book’ ) and the library has two copies.



A Successful Week in Local Libraries

At the Mundaring Library

At the Mundaring Library

The Green Velvet Dress  presented at two libraries in one week. A bit daunting, but I’m getting into the swing and starting to enjoy myself.

For evening events the libraries have provided a glass of wine and some delicious nibbles, which helps me to relax  and puts the audience in a receptive mood.

About fifteen people attended the Mundaring presentation on Thursday the 1st October. I noticed heads nodding in agreement when I talked about teaching in 1961 and again in response to my comments about society’s rules for women at the time.

I had lots of questions to answer at the end and most people bought books, which made me very happy. I look forward to reading their reviews.



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Library Presentation: Greenmount

At Denmark Library - they enjoyed my readings

At Denmark Library they enjoyed my talk and the readings

Due to a full house for the Mundaring Library presentation of my novel ‘The Green Velvet Dress’, I am delighted to be doing another one at Greenmount Library from 5.30-7pm on Tuesday, 6th October. Drinks and nibbles at 5.30, talk starts at 6pm.

A few places are still available so if you wish to join us, please contact the library by phoning 92906755 or use this link to read about my presentation and/or to make your booking.

Mundaring Library Presentation

Mundaring Library is very kindly organising an Author Presentation for me on Thursday, October 1st from 6-7pm. Drinks and nibbles will be served from 5.30pm.

I am delighted to know that the event is booked out already, but if you are interested in joining us, please let me know right away and we might be able to squeeze you in.

There is also the possibility of another presentation for those who miss out so please email me at or phone me on 9298 9583 if you and/or your friends would like to hear me talk about ‘The Green Velvet Dress’ and my teaching experiences that inspired the book.

These presentations are interesting and fun for anyone who loves to read. You also get to know stuff about me that might surprise you.

Victoria Mizen Library Presentations


Last Tuesday, 14th April, the Library at Albany in Western Australia invited me to speak about my novel, ‘The Green Velvet Dress’ to an audience of twenty three interested and responsive guests. Wine and tasty nibbles put everyone in the right mood, and my presentation went well.

I talked about my writing life, starting with stories my grandmother created and the imaginary friend who was my first character in stories I told myself from the age of three or four.Continue reading