The following poem was written for one of my granddaughters when she was about four years old. Many other grannies bought my book because they had their own little snowdrop – a sweet child with blonde hair and that entrancing giggle we hear from a happy little girl. Mine is now in her twenties, a charming young woman, she still fills my heart with joy when she comes to visit my garden.
If you are fortunate to have a Snowdrop in your garden of friends and family I hope you enjoy this poem and that you will pass it on to your own Snowdrop even if she is no longer little.
A Cute Little Snowdrop
A Tinkerbell laugh
an ‘Aren’t I beautiful?’ grin.
Pretty petals
soft and light
purest white
little snowdrop
shakes her head
shimmers her leaves
twirling and dancing on tippy toe
swaying and bowing in the breeze.