Friends In My Garden: Camellia and Pansy

I recently went to Queensland (see my previous post) to escape the cold weather here in the hills out of Perth in Western Australia.  Now that I have returned  it is such a delight to open my curtains on these winter mornings and, despite the rain and cold, or maybe because of them, to be greeted by these beauties.

For those of you who enjoy my poetry, I’ve taken the words from my collection, Friends In My Garden, and matched them with these photos.

All of the poems are about real friends or family, depicted as things found in my garden, so, Camellia and Pansy were written for people who have been, (some still are) important in my life. Pansy is now twenty five but this was written when she was two.

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Friends In My Garden: Zinnia

When I was writing poems for my book, ‘Friends In My Garden,’ I had a few young female friends for whom this one was suitable. The sort of people who never seem to tire and who make you laugh whenever you are with them. I’m sure you all know and love someone like my


Exuberant is Zinnia

full of zest and vigour

radiating merriment

she paints a smile on passing lips

this zippy zany flower.


Friends In My Garden – Bizzie Lizzie

I’m sure you all have at least one character like this in your friendship garden.

Image (10)







Such a Bizzie Lizzie

is pretty little balsam

dashing about

always wanting to please.

Wearing happy colours

she brightens dreary corners.

There are times when she’ll work too hard

then suddenly stop

fall in a heap

her petals drop

her leaves turn crinkly brown and flop.

She’ll revive

but for a while her blossoms wilt

turning white and wan.

She hates that

wants to be out in the sun

having fun

flashing her prettiest party petals

and being busy

my Bizzie Lizzie.