A Successful Week in Local Libraries

At the Mundaring Library

At the Mundaring Library

The Green Velvet Dress  presented at two libraries in one week. A bit daunting, but I’m getting into the swing and starting to enjoy myself.

For evening events the libraries have provided a glass of wine and some delicious nibbles, which helps me to relax  and puts the audience in a receptive mood.

About fifteen people attended the Mundaring presentation on Thursday the 1st October. I noticed heads nodding in agreement when I talked about teaching in 1961 and again in response to my comments about society’s rules for women at the time.

I had lots of questions to answer at the end and most people bought books, which made me very happy. I look forward to reading their reviews.



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Mundaring Library Presentation

Mundaring Library is very kindly organising an Author Presentation for me on Thursday, October 1st from 6-7pm. Drinks and nibbles will be served from 5.30pm.

I am delighted to know that the event is booked out already, but if you are interested in joining us, please let me know right away and we might be able to squeeze you in.

There is also the possibility of another presentation for those who miss out so please email me at http://vicwinmiz@gmail.com or phone me on 9298 9583 if you and/or your friends would like to hear me talk about ‘The Green Velvet Dress’ and my teaching experiences that inspired the book.

These presentations are interesting and fun for anyone who loves to read. You also get to know stuff about me that might surprise you.